IGIS Reorganization, New Overseas Market Approach

2023. 01. 11 · Byungki Koh

Providing Up-to-date news and contents of Korean commercial real estate market including investment, REITs and market players.

IGIS Asset Management has recently carried out organizational reorganization and made changes to its personnel structure. IGIS had already done the same at the end of August. This resulted in groups created between divisions and parts, including the Space Investment Group and Innovation & Growth (IG) Group which were created to link the present and future of IGIS. That reorganization was centered around domestic investment. This time around, the focus is on international business. IGIS established a corporation in Singapore in 2020 called IGIS Asia to change its overseas real estate investment strategy. IGIS Asia began with inbound business to attract foreign investors who want to invest in Korea, and […]

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