TPG Angelo Gordon on Familiar Ground in Bundang Partners with Pebblestone for KT&G Bundang Tower Investment
2024. 09. 05 · Byungki Koh
Providing Up-to-date news and contents of Korean commercial real estate market including investment, REITs and market players.
Angelo Gordon has arguably been one of the most consistent investors in the Korean commercial real estate market among foreign asset management companies. Since its first entry into the Korean market in 2006, Angelo Gordon has made an investment every year without fail. Both investors and the market have seen its consistency and good results over many years and come to trust its core competencies. With a 20-year foundation in consistent investment in Korea, Angelo Gordon underwent massive change last year. Last November, global private equity firm TPG acquired Angelo Gordon, so it was renamed TPG Angelo Gordon. TPG Angelo Gordon’s active investment in Korea continues, even though […]
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Content Editor, Seoul Property Insight(SPI)